SAITO Yoshiki(Designated Professor)
Academic Degree
Doctor of Science, Kyushu University
Research Fields
Coastal sedimentology, sedimentary geology, Quaternary geology, marine geology, coastal management
Research Interests
Shallow marine & coastal sedimentologist with special foci on modern sedimentary processes, coastal geology, Quaternary geology, sequence stratigraphy, strata formation, and recent environmental changes. River-mouth systems ( deltas and estuaries ) in Asia.
Work Experience
April 1981 to October 1990: Researcher of the Geological Survey of Japan ( GSJ )
October 1990 to March 2001: Senior Researcher of the GSJ
April 2001 to March 2010: Group Leader of the AIST
October 2008 to March 2018: Prime Senior Researcher of the AIST
November 2016 to March 2017: Professor of Research Center for Coastal Lagoon Environments, Shimane University
April 2017 to March 2024: Professor and Director of Estuary Research Center, Shimane University.
April 2015 to March 2018: Conjunct Professor of the University of Tokyo. Department of Natural Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
August 2018 to March 2023: Cross-appointment Fellow. Geological Survey of Japan, AIST
April 2024 to present: Designated Professor, Estuary Research Center, Shimane University.
Sedimentology, river deltas, estuaries, Quaternary, human impact, Asia, sea-level change
Editorial Board Member
- Geo-Marine-Letters, ( Springer ) ( 2001–present )
- Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science ( Elsevier )( 2005–present )
- Quaternary Science Reviews, ( Elsevier ) ( 2004–June 2014 )
- Marine Geology ( Elsevier ) ( 2007–present )
- Sedimentary Geology ( Elsevier ) ( 2007–2011 )
- Quaternary International ( Elsevier ) ( 2011–present )
- Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology ( VAST ) ( 2014–present )
- Journal of Asian Earth Sciences ( Elsevier ) ( 2016–present )
- Anthropocene Coasts ( 2016–2020 )
- Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences ( VAST ) ( 2016–present )
- Progress in Earth and Planetary Science ( Springer, JpGU ) ( 2017–present )
- Anthropocene ( Elsevier ) ( 2018–2023 )
- Scientific Reports ( Springer-Nature ) ( 2022–present )
Please visit below URLs
1. Peer-Reviewed Papers
184) Hori, K., Saito, Y., 2021. Classification, Architecture, and Evolution of Large-River Deltas. In: Gupta, A., ed., Large Rivers: Geomorphology and Management. 2nd ed., John-Wiley. (2021.09) ISBN: 978-1-119-41260-1
183) Li, Z., Pospelova, V., Liu, L., Francois, R., Wu, Y., Mertens, K.N., Saito, Y., Zhou, R., Song, B., Xie, X., 2021. Quantitative reconstructions of Holocene sea-surface conditions from dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in the northern South China Sea. Marine Geology,(accepted on 2021.05.31) (2021.08 or 09)
177) Zhou, L., Liu, J., Saito, Y., Diao, S., Gao, M., Qiu, J., Xu, C., He, L., Ye, S., 2020/21: Sediment budget of the Yellow River delta during 1959–2012, estimated from morphological changes and accumulation rates. Marine Geology, 430, 106363. (2020.12)
174) Wu, X., Bi, N., Syvitski, J., Saito, Y., Xu, J., Nittrouer, J., Bianchi, T., Yang, Z., Wang, H., 2020. Can reservoir regulation along Yellow River be a sustainable way to save a sinking delta? Earth's Future, 8(11), e2020EF001587. (2020.11)
173) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., Ta, T.K.O., Nguyen, V.L., Uehara, K., Tamura, T., Nakashima, N., 2020. Sediment distribution along the fluvial to marine transition zone of the Dong Nai River System, southern Vietnam. Marine Geology, 429, 106314. (2020.11)
172) Wang, X., Dettman, D.L., Wang, M., Zhang, J., Saito, Y., Quade, J., Feng, S., Liu, J., Chen, F., 2020. Seasonal wet-dry variability of the Asian Monsoon since the middle Pleistocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 247, 106568. (2020.11)
158) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., 2019. Valley-confinement and river-tidal controls on channel morphology along the fluvial to marine transition zone of the Dong Nai River System Vietnam. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, 202. (2019.08)
155) Du, S.H., Xiang, R., Yang, Z.S., Guo, Z.G., Saito, Y., Fan, D.J., 2019. Late-Holocene high-frequency East Asia Winter Monsoon variability inferred from the environmentally sensitive grain size component in the distal shelf mud area, East China Sea. The Holocene, 29, 3-16. (2019.1), doi: 10.1177/0959683618814981
154) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Tamura, T., 2019. Sediment distribution and depositional processes along the fluvial to marine transition zone of the Mekong River delta, Vietnam. Sedimentology, 66, 146–164. (2019.01)
153) Wang, Z., Saito, Y., Zhan, Q., Nian, X., Pan, D., Wang, L., Chen, T., Xie, J., Jiang, X., Zhang, W., 2018. Three-dimensional evolution of the Yangtze River mouth, China during the Holocene: impacts of sea level, climate and human activity. Earth-Science Reviews, 185, 938–955. (2018.10)
152) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Tamura, T., 2018. Tide- and river-generated mud pebbles from the fluvial to marine transition zone of the Mekong River delta, Vietnam. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 88, 981–990. (2018.09)
151) Liu, J., Zhang, X.H., Mei, X., Zhao, Q.H., Guo, X.W., Zhao, W.N., Liu, J.X., Saito, Y., Wu, Z.Q., Li, J., Zhu, X.Q., Chu, H.X., 2018. The sedimentary succession of the last ~3.50 Myr in the western South Yellow Sea: paleoenvironmental and tectonic implications. Marine Geology, 399, 47–65. (2018. 05)
150) Song, B., Yi, S., Yu, S.-Y., Nahm, W.-H., Lee, J.-Y., Kim, J.-C., Yang, Z., Han, M., Jo, K.-N., Saito, Y., 2018. Holocene relative sea-level changes inferred from multiple proxies on the west coast of South Korea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 496, 268–281. (2018.05)
149) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., Ben, B., Sieng, S., Oliver, T.S.N., 2018. Sedimentology of Late Holocene fluvial levee and point-bar deposits from the Cambodia tract of the Mekong River. Journal of the Geological Society, 175, 176–186. (2018. 01)
148) Cui, M., Wang, Z.H., Nageswara Rao, K., Sangode, S.J., Saito, Y., Chen, T., Kulkarni, Y.R., Naga Kumar, K.Ch.V., Demudu, G., 2017. A mid-late Holocene record of vegetation decline and erosion triggered by monsoon weakening and human adaptations in the southeast Indian Peninsula. The Holocene, 27, 1976¬–1987. (2017.12)
147) Li, X., Liu, J.P., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., 2017. Recent evolution of the Mekong Delta and the impacts of dams. Earth-Science Reviews, 175, 1–17. (2017.12)
146) Hsiung, K.H., Saito, Y., 2017. Sediment trapping in deltas of small mountainous rivers of southwestern Taiwan and its influence on East China Sea sedimentation. Quaternary International, 455, 30–44. (2017. 10)
145) Hori, K., Saito, Y., 2017. Differences in radiocarbon ages among molluscan shells, plant materials, and total organic carbon: an example from the paleo-Changjiang incised-valley fill, China. Quaternary International, 455, 45–55. (2017. 10)
144) Wang, H., Wu, X., Bi, N., Li, S., Yuan, P., Wang, A., Syvitski, J., Saito, Y., Yang, Z., Liu, S., Nittrouer, J., 2017. Impacts of dam-oriented Water-Sediment Regulation Scheme on the lower reaches and delta of the Yellow River, China: A review. Global and Planetary Change, 157, 93–113. (2017. 10)
143) Liu, J.P., DeMaster, D.J., Nittrouer, C.A., Eidam, E.F., Nguyen, T.T., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Li, X., 2017. Stratigraphic formation of the Mekong River delta and its recent shoreline changes. Oceanography, 30(3), 72–83. (2017.09)
142) Wu, X., Bi, N.S., Xu, J.P., Nittrouer, J., Yang, Z.S., Saito, Y., Wang, H.J. (2017) Stepwise morphological evolution of the active Yellow River (Huanghe) delta lobe (1976–2013): Dominant roles of riverine discharge and sediment grain size. Geomorphology, 292, 115–127. (2017.09)
141) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Nakashima, R., Tamura, T., Uehara, K., Katsuki, K., Yamamoto, S., 2017. Process regime, salinity, morphological, and sedimentary trends along the fluvial to marine transition zone of the mixed-energy Mekong River delta, Vietnam. Continental Shelf Research, 147, 7–26. (2017.09)
140) Song, B., Li, Z., Lu, H.Y., Limi Mao, Saito, Y., Yi, S.H., Lim, J.S., Zhen Li, Lu, A.Q., Sha, L.B., Zhou, R., Zuo, X.X., Vera Pospelova, V. (2017) Pollen record of the centennial climate changes during 9–7 cal ka BP in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta plain, China. Quaternary Research, 87 (1), 275–287.
139) Wu, Z.Y., Saito, Y., Zhao, D.N., Zhou, J.Q., Cao, Z.Y., Li, S.J. , Shang, J.H., Liang, Y.Y. (2016) Impact of human activities on subaqueous topographic change in Lingding Bay of the Pearl River estuary, China, during 1955–2013. Scientific Reports, 6, 37742; doi: 10.1038/srep37742
138) Zhou, L.Y., Liu, J., Saito, Y., Gao, M.S., Diao, S.B., Qiu, J.D., Pei, S.F. (2016) Modern sediment characteristics and accumulation rates from the delta front to the prodelta of the Yellow River (Huanghe). Geo-Marine Letters, vol. 36, p. 247–258.
137) Liu, J., Wang, H., Wang, F.F., Qiu, J.D., Saito, Y., Lu, J.F., Zhou, L.Y., Xu, G., Du, X.L., Chen, Q. (2016) Sedimentary evolution during the last ~ 1.9 Ma near the western margin of the modern Bohai Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 451, p. 84–96.
136) Tanaka, A., Uehara, K., Tamura, T., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O. (2016) Temporal changes in river-mouth bars from L-band SAR images: a case study in the Mekong River delta, South Vietnam. In: Tessier, B., Reynaud, J.-Y., eds., Contributions to Modern and Ancient Tidal Sedimentology, Proceedings of the Tidalites 2012 Conference. Special Publication of International Association of Sedimentologists, no. 47, p. 21–33, John Wiley & Sons.
135) 斎藤文紀(2016)アジアの大陸棚から沿岸域の研究.第四紀研究,v. 55, p. 49-57.
134) Saito, Y., Okumura, K., Suzuki, T., Yokoyama, Y., Izuho, M. (2016) Studies of the Quaternary in Japan. Quaternary International, vol. 397, p. 1–2.
133) 柳 哲雄・斎藤文紀・山室真澄・小池勲夫 (2015) 人間活動は沿岸域にどのようなインパクトを与えたか;国際共同研究による解析と評価.地球環境,v. 20(2), p. 181-187.
132) Nageswara Rao, K., Saito, Y., Nagakumar, K.Ch.V., Demudua, G., Rajawat, A.S., Kubo, S., Li, Z. (2015) Palaeogeography and evolution of the Godavari delta, east coast of India during the Holocene: An example of wave-dominated and fan-delta settings. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 440, p. 213–233.
131) Wu, X., Bi. N.S., Kanai, Y., Saito, Y., Zhang, Y., Yang, Z.S., Fan, D.J., Wang, H.J. (2015) Sedimentary records off the modern Huanghe (Yellow River) delta and their response to deltaic river channel shifts over the last 200 years. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 108, p. 68–80.
130) Qiu, J.D., Liu, J., Saito, Y., Yang, Z.G., Yue, B.J., Wang, H., Kong, X.H. (2014) Sedimentary evolution of the Holocene subaqueous clinoform off the southern Shandong Peninsula in the western South Yellow Sea. Journal of Ocean University of China, vol. 13, no. 5, p. 747-760.
129) Zhou, L.Y., Liu, J., Saito, Y., Liu, J.P., Li, G.X., Liu, Q.S., Gao, M.S., Qiu, J.D. (2014) Fluvial system development and subsequent marine transgression in Yellow River (Huanghe) delta and its adjacent sea regions during Last Glacial Maximum to early Holocene. Continental Shelf Research, vol. 90, p. 117-132.
128) Tjallingii, R., Stattegger, K., Stocchi, P., Saito, Y., Wetzel, A. (2014) Rapid flooding of the southern Vietnam shelf during the early to mid-Holocene. Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 29, no. 6, p. 581–588.
127) Parham, P., Saito, Y., Sapon, N., Suriadi, R., Mohtar, N.A. (2014) Evidence for ca. 7 ka maximum Holocene transgression on the Peninsular Malaysia East coast. Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 29, no. 5, p. 414-422.
126) Zhou, L.Y., Liu, J., Saito, Y., Zhang, Z.X., Chu, H.X., Hu, G. (2014) Coastal erosion as a major sediment supplier to continental shelves: example from the abandoned Old Huanghe (Yellow River) delta. Continental Shelf Research, vol. 82, p. 43–59.
125) Stattegger, K., Tjallingii, R., Saito, Y., Michelli, M., Nguyen, T.T., Wetzel, A. (2013) Mid to Late Holocene sea-level reconstruction of Southeast Vietnam using beachrock and beach-ridge deposits. Global and Planetary Change, vol. 110, p. 214–222.
124) Wang, Z.H., Zhan, Q., Long, H.Y., Saito, Y., Gao, X.Q., Wu, X.X., Li, L., Zhao, Y.N., (2013) Early to mid-Holocene rapid sea-level rise and coastal response on the southern Yangtze delta plain, China. Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 28, no. 7, p. 659–672.
123) Song, B., Li, Z., Saito, Y., Okuno, J., Lu, A.Q., Hua, D., Li, J., Li, Y.X., Nakashima, R., (2013) Initiation of the Changjiang (Yangtze) delta and its response to the mid-Holocene sea level change. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, vol. 388, p. 81–97.
122) Liu, J., Kong, X.H., Saito, Y., Liu, J.P., Yang, Z.S., Wen, C. (2013) Subaqueous deltaic formation of the Old Yellow River (AD 1128–1855) on the western South Yellow Sea. Marine Geology, vol. 344, p. 19–33.
121) Kanai, Y., Saito, Y., Tamura, T., Nguyen, V.L., Sato, A., Ta, T.K.O. (2013) Sediment erosion revealed by study of Cs isotopes derived from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident. Geochemical Journal, vol. 47, p. 79–82.
120) 金井 豊・斎藤文紀・田村 亨・NGUYEN Van Lap・TA Thi Kim Oanh・佐藤明夫 (2013) メコンデルタ堆積物におけるベリリウム-7,鉛-210及び放射性セシウム同位体の分布と堆積環境の季節変化.地球化学,v. 47(2),p. 89-100.
119) Nageswara Rao, K., Saito, Y., Nagakumar, K.Ch.V., Demudu, G., Basavaiah, N., Rajawat, A.S., Tokanai, F., Kato, K., Nakashima, R. (2012) Holocene environmental changes of the Godavari Delta, east coast of India, inferred from sediment core analyses and AMS 14C dating. Geomorphology, vol. 175–176, p. 163–175.
118) Tamura, T., Saito, Y., Bateman, M.D., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Matsumoto, D. (2012) Luminescence dating of beach ridges for characterizing multi-decadal to centennial deltaic shoreline changes during Late Holocene, Mekong River delta. Marine Geology, vol. 326–328, p. 140–153.
117) Li, Z., Saito, Y., Mao, L.M., Tamura, T., Li, Z., Song, B., Zhang, Y.L., Lu, A.Q., Sieng, S., Li, J. (2012) Mid-Holocene mangrove succession and its response to sea-level change in the upper Mekong delta, Cambodia. Quaternary Research, vol. 78, p. 386–399.
116) Tanaka, A., Uehara, K., Tamura, T., Saito, Y. (2012) Area change detection in river mouthbars at the Mekong River delta using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. Proceedings of IEEE-IGARSS 2012, in Munich, 22-27 July, p. 4911-4914.
115) Hanebuth, T.J.J., Proske, U., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O. (2012) Early growth stage of a large delta – transformation from estuarine-platform to deltaic progradational conditions (the northeastern Mekong River Delta, Vietnam). Sedimentary Geology, vol. 261–262, p. 108–119.
114) Tamura, T., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Bateman, M.D., Matsumoto, D., Yamashita, S. (2012) Origin and evolution of inter-distributary delta plains, insights from Mekong River delta. Geology, vol. 40, no. 4, p. 303–306.
113) Uehara, K., Saito, Y. (2012) Tidal influence on the transport of suspended matter in the southern Yellow Sea at 6 ka. In: Li, M.Z., Sherwood, C.R. and Hill, P.R. (eds.) Sediments, Morphology and Sedimentary Processes on Continental Shelves, International Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication 44, p. 331–320, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford
112) Wang, Z.H., Zhuang, C.C., Saito, Y., Chen, J., Zhan, Q., Wang, X.D. (2012) Early mid-Holocene sea-level change and coastal environmental response of the southern Yangtze delta plain, China: Implications for the rise of Neolithic culture. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 35, p. 51–62.
111) 斎藤文紀(2011) 沿岸域の堆積システムと海水準変動.第四紀研究, vol. 50, no.2, p. 95-111.
110) Tanaka, G., Komastu, T., Saito, Y., Nguyen, D.P., Vu, Q.L. (2011) Temporal changes in ostracod assemblages during the past 10,000 years associated with the evolution of the Red River delta system, northeastern Vietnam. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 81, nos. 3-4, p. 77–87.
109) Foufoula-Georgiou, E., Syvitski, J., Paola, C., Hoanh, C.T., Tuong, P., Vörösmarty, C., Kremer, H., Brondizio, E., Saito, Y., Twilley, R. (2011) International Year of Deltas 2013: A proposal. Eos, Transactions of American Geophysical Union, vol. 92, no. 40, p. 340–341.
108) Tamura, T., Saito, Y., Matsumoto, D., Bateman, M.D., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Le, M.D. (2011) Integrated short-term and long-term deltaic shoreline changes, Mekong River delta, southern Vietnam. River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics: RCEM 2011, p. 592–601. Tsinghua University Press
107) Saito, Y. (2011) Delta-front morphodynamics of the Kurobe river fan-delta, central Japan. River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics: RCEM 2011, p. 506–501. Tsinghua University Press
106) Wang, H.J., Saito, Y., Zhang, Y., Bi, N.S., Sun, X.X., Yang, Z.S. (2011) Recent changes of sediment flux to the western Pacific Ocean from major rivers in East and Southeast Asia. Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 108, no.1–2, p. 80–100.
105) Qiao, S.Q., Shi, X.F., Saito, Y., Li, X.Y., Yu, Y.G., Bai, Y.Z., Liu, Y.G., Wang, K.S., Yang, G. (2011) Sedimentary records of natural and artificial Huanghe (Yellow River) channel shifts during the Holocene in the southern Bohai Sea. Continental Shelf Research, vol. 31, no. 13, p. 1336–1342.
104) Chen, Z.Y., Saito, Y. (2011) The megadeltas of Asia: interlinkage of land and sea, and human development. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 36, no. 12, p. 1703–1704.
103) Wang, Z.H., Li, M.T., Zhang, R.H., Zhuang, C.C., Liu, Y., Saito, Y., Xie, J.L., Li, B. (2011) Impacts of human activity on the late Holocene development of the subaqueous Yangtze delta, China, as shown by magnetic properties and sediment accumulation rates. The Holocene, vol. 21, no. 3, p. 393–407.
102) Switzer, A. Saito, Y., Yokoyama, Y., Catto, N. (2011) Sediment source-to-sink, human influences and paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the coastal zone of East and Southeast Asia. Quaternary International, vol. 130, no. 1-2, p. 1–2.
101) Qiao, S.Q., Yang, Z.S., Liu, J.P., Sun, X.X., Xiang, R., Shi, X.F., Fan, D.J., Saito, Y. (2011) Records of late-Holocene East Asia winter monsoon in the East China Sea: Key grain-size components of quartz versus bulk sediments. Quaternary International, vol. 130, no. 1-2, p. 106–114.
100) Hanebuth, T.J.J., Voris, H.K., Yokoyama, Y., Okuno, J., Saito, Y., (2011) Formation, fate, and implications of depocentres along the sedimentary pathway on the Sunda Shelf (Southeast Asia) over the past 140 ka. Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 104, no. 1-3, p. 92–110.
99) Yang, S.Y., Tang, M., Yim, W.W.-S., Zong, Y.Q., Huang, G.Q., Switzer, A.D., Saito, Y. (2011) Burial of organic carbon in Holocene sediments of the Zhujiang (Pearl River) and Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuaries. Marine Chemistry, vol. 123, no. 1-4, p. 1–10.
98) Liu, J., Saito, Y., Kong, X.H., Wang, H., Wen, C., Yang, Z.G., Nakashima, R. (2010) Delta development and channel incision during marine isotope stages 3 and 2 in the western South Yellow Sea. Marine Geology, vol. 278, no. 1-4, p. 54–76.
97) Uehara, K., Sojisuporn, P., Saito, Y., Jarupongsakul, T. (2010) Erosion and accretion processes in a muddy dissipative coast, the Chao Phraya River delta, Thailand. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 35, no. 14, p. 1701–1711.
96) Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O, Saito, Y. (2010) Early Holocene initiation of the Mekong River delta, Vietnam, and the response to Holocene sea-level changes detected from DT1 core analyses.Sedimentary Geology, vol. 230, no. 3-4, p. 146–155.
95) Wang, H.J., Bi, N.S, Saito, Y., Wang, Y., Sun, X.X., Zhang, J., Yang, Z.S. (2010) Recent changes in sediment delivery by the Huanghe (Yellow River) to the sea: Causes and environmental implications in its estuary. Journal of Hydrology, vol. 391, no. 3-4, p. 302–313.
94) Wang, H.J., Bi, N.S, Wang, Y., Saito, Y., Yang, Z.S. (2010) Tide-modulated hyperpycnal flows off the Huanghe (Yellow River) mouth, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 35, no. 11, p. 1315–1329.
93) Liu, J., Saito, Y., Kong, X.H., Wang, H., Xiang, L.H., Wen, C., Nakashima, R. (2010) Sedimentary record of environmental evolution off the Yangtze River estuary, East China Sea, during the last 13,000 years, with special reference to the influence of the Yellow River on the Yangtze River delta during the last 600 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 29, no. 17-18, p. 2424–2438.
92) Wang, Z.H., Xu, H., Zhan, Q., Saito, Y., He, Z.F., Xie, J.L., Li, X., Dong, Y.H. (2010) Lithological and palynological evidence of late Quaternary depositional environments in the subaqueous Yangtze delta, China. Quaternary Research, vol. 73, no. 3, p. 550–462.
91) Tamura, T., Horaguchi, K., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Tateishi, M., Ta, T.K.O., Nanayama, F., Watanabe, K. (2010) Monsoon-influenced variations in morphology and sediment of a mesotidal beach on the Mekong River delta coast. Geomorphology, vol. 116, no. 1-2, p. 11–23.
90) Li, Z., Song, B., Saito, Y., Li, J., Li, Z., Lu, A.Q. (2009) Sedimentary facies and geochemical characteristics of Jiangdou Core JD01 from the upper delta plain of Changjiang (Yangtze) delta. In Amorosi, A., ed., Proceedings of the 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists, Medimond, Italy, p. 55–63.
89) Syvitski, J.P.M., Kettner, A.K., Overeem, I., Hutton, E.W.H., Hannon, M.T., Brakenridge, G.R., Day, J., Vörösmarty, C., Saito, Y., Giosan, L., Nicholls, R.J. (2009) Sinking deltas due to human activities. Nature Geoscience, vol. 2, no. 10, p. 681–686.
88) Liu, J., Saito, Y., Wang, H., Zhou, L.Y., Yang, Z.G. (2009) Stratigraphic development during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene offshore of the Yellow River delta, Bohai Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 36, no. 4-5, p. 318–331.
87) Li, Z., Saito, Y., Dang, P.X., Matsumoto, E., Vu, Q.L. (2009) Warfare rather than agriculture as a critical influence on fires in the late Holocene, inferred from northern Vietnam. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 106, no. 28, p. 11490–11495.
86) Liu, J., Saito, Y., Kong, X.H., Wang, H., Zhao, L. (2009) Geochemical characteristics of sediment as indicators of post-glacial environmental changes off the Shandong Peninsula in the Yellow Sea. Continental Shelf Research, vol. 29, no. 7, p. 846–855.
85) Tamura, T, Saito, Y., Sieng, S., Ben, B., Kong, M., Sim, I., Choup, S., Akiba, F. (2009) Initiation of the Mekong River delta at 8 ka: evidence from the sedimentary succession in the Cambodian lowland. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 28, no. 3-4, p. 327–344.
84) Tamura, T., Saito, Y. and Masuda, F. (2008) Variations in depositional architecture of Holocene to modern prograding shorefaces along the Pacific coast of eastern Japan. SEPM Special Publication, no. 90, p. 191–205.
83) Kostaschuk, R., Chen, Z.Y., Saito, Y., Wang, Z.H. (2008) Sedimentation rates and heavy metals in a macrotidal salt marsh: Bay of Fundy, Canada. Environmental Geology, vol. 55, no. 6, p. 1291–1298.
82) Xiang, R., Yang, Z.S., Saito, Y., Fan, D.J., Chen, M.H., Guo, Z.G., Chen, Z. (2008) Paleoenvironmental changes during the last 8400 years in the southern Yellow Sea: Benthic foraminiferal and stable isotopic evidence. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 67, no. 1-2, p. 104–119.
81) Wang, H.J., Yang, Z.S., Wang, Y., Saito, Y., Liu, J.P. (2008) Reconstruction of sediment flux from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) to the sea since the 1860s. Journal of Hydrology, vol. 349, no. 3-4, p. 318–332.
80) Tamura, T., Murakami, F., Nanayama, F., Watanabe, K., Saito, Y. (2008) Ground-penetrading radar profiles of Holocene raised-beach deposits in the Kujukuri strand plain, Pacific coast of eastern Japan. Marine Geology, vol. 248, no. 1-2, p. 11–27.
79) Perillo, G.M.E., Syvistki, J.P.M., Amos, C.L., Depetris, P., Milliman, J., Pejrup, M., Saito, Y., Snoussi, M., Wolanski, E., Zajaczkowski, M., Stallard, R., Hutton, E., Kettner, A., Meade, R., Overeem, I., Peckham, S. (2007) Estuaries and the Sediments: How they Deal with Each Other. LOICZ INPRINT, 2007-3, p. 3–5.
78) Saito, Y., Chaimanee, N., Jarupongsakul, T., Syvitski, J.P.M. (2007) Shrinking megadeltas in Asia: Sea-level rise and sediment reduction impacts from case study of the Chao Phraya Delta. LOICZ INPRINT, no. 2007/2, p. 3–9.
77) Hori, K., Saito, Y. (2007) An early Holocene sea-level jump and delta initiation. Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 34, L18401.
76) Ge, S.L., Shi, X.F., Wu, Y.H., Lee, T., Xiong, Y.Q., Saito, Y. (2007) Rock magnetic property of gravity core CSH1 from the northern Okinawa Trough and the effect of early diagenesis. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, vol. 26. no. 5, p. 54–65.
75) Tamura, T., Nanayama, F., Saito, Y., Furakami, F., Nakashima, R., Watanabe, K. (2007) Intra-shoreface erosion in response to rapid sea-level fall: depositional record of a tectonically-uplifted strand plain, Pacific coast of Japan. Sedimentology, vol. 54, no. 5, p. 1149–1162.
74) Liu, Z.X., Berne, S., Saito, Y., Yu, H., Trentesaux, A., Uehara, K., Yin, P., Liu, J.P., Li, C.X., Hu, G.H., Wang, X.Q. (2007) Internal architecture and mobility of tidal sand ridges in the East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, vol. 27, no. 13, p. 1820–1834.
73) Liu, J., Saito, Y., Wang, H., Yang, Z.G., Nakashima, R. (2007) Sedimentary evolution of the Holocene subaqueous clinoform off the Shandong Peninsula in the Yellow Sea. Marine Geology, vol. 236, no. 3-4, p. 165–187.
72) Tamura T., Saito Y., Sieng, S., Ben, B., Kong, M., Choup, S., Tsukawaki, S. (2007) Depositional facies and radiocarbon ages of a drill core from the Mekong River lowland near Phnom Penh, Cambodia: evidence for tidal sedimentation at the time of Holocene maximum flooding. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 29, nos. 5-6, p. 585–592.
71) Syvitski, J.P.M., Saito, Y. (2007) Morphodynamics of deltas under the influence of humans. Global and Planetary Change, vol. 57, no. 3-4, p. 261–282.
70) Wang, H.J., Yang, Z.S., Saito, Y., Liu, J.P., Sun, X.X., Wang, Y. (2007) Stepwise decrease of the Hunaghe (Yellow River) sediment load (1950-2005): Impacts of climate change and human activities. Global and Planetary Change, vol. 57, no. 3-4, p. 331–354.
69) Syvitski, J.P.M., Saito, Y. (2006) Morphodynamics of deltas and the influence of humans. LOICZ INPRINT, no. 2006/3, p. 3–5.
68) Wei, T.Y., Chen, Z.Y., Duan, L.Y., Gu, J.W., Saito, Y., Zhang, W.G.,Wang, Y.H., Kanai, Y. (2007) Sedimentation rates in relation to sedimentary processes of the Yangtze Estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences, vol. 71, nos. 1-2, p. 37–46.
67) Yi, S., Saito Y., Yang, D.-Y. (2006) Palynological evidence for Holocene environmental change in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Delta, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 241, no. 1, p. 103–117.
66) Li, Z., Saito, Y., Matsumoto, E., Wang, Y., Haruyama, S., Hori, K., Doanh, L.Q. (2006) Palynological record of climate change during the last deglaciation from the Song Hong (Red River) delta, Vietnam. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 235, no.4, p. 406–430.
65) Tanabe, S., Saito, Y., Vu, Q.L., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Ngo, Q.L. (2006) Holocene evolution of the Song Hong (Red River) delta system, northern Vietnam. Sedimentary Geology, Vol. 187, nos. 1-2, p. 29–61.
64) Wang, H.J., Yang, Z.S., Saito, Y., Liu, J.P., Sun, X.X. (2006) Interannual and seasonal variation of the Huanghe (Yellow River) water discharge over the past 50 years: Connenctions to impacts from ENSO events and dam. Global and Planetary Change, vol. 50, p. 212–225.
63) Yang, Z., Wang, H., Saito, Y., Milliman, J.D., Xu, K., Qiao, S., Shi, G., (2006) Dam impacts on the Changjiang (Yangtze River) sediment discharge to the sea: the past 55 years and after the Three Gorges Dam. Water Resources Research, vol. 42, W04407.
62) Yi, S., Saito, Y., Chen, Z., Yang, D.Y. (2006) Palynological study on vegetation and climatic change in the subaqueous Changjiang (Yangtze River) delta, China, during the past about 1600 years. Geosciences Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 17–22.
61) Hanebuth, T.J.J., Saito, Y., Tanabe, S., Vu, Q.L., Ngo, Q.T., (2006) Sea levels during late marine isotope stage 3 (or older?) reported from the Red River delta (northern Vietnam) and adjacent regions. Quaternary International, vol. 145-145, p. 119–134.
60) Li, Z., Saito, Y., Matsumoto, E., Wang, Y., Tanabe, S., Vu, Q.L. (2006) Climate change and human impact on the Song Hong (Red River) delta, Vietnam, during the Holocene. Quaternary International, vol. 144, no. 1, p. 4–28.
59) Ta, T.K.O., Nguyen, V.L., Tateishi, M., Konayashi, I, Saito, Y. (2005) Holocene delta evolution and depositional models of the Mekong River Delta, southern Vietnam. In L. Giosan and J. P. Bhattacharya, eds., River Deltas – Concepts, Models and Examples, SEPM special publication no. 83, p. 453–466.
58) Liu, B.Z., Saito, Y., Yamazaki, T., Abdeldayem, A., Oda, H., Hori, K., Zhao, Q.H. (2005) Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) characteristics of tide-influenced sediments in the Late Pleistocene-Holocene Changjiang incised-valley fill, China. Journal of Coastal Research, vol. 21, no. 5, p. 1031–1041.
57) Yu, H., Li, Z.X., Xiong, Y.Q., Saito, Y., Wang, K.S. (2005) Sedimentary facies and material source of core DGKS9617 in the East China Sea. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 277-279, p. 410-417.
56) Wang, Z.H., Saito, Y., Hori, K., Kitamura, A., Chen, ZY (2005) Yangtze offshore, China: highly laminated sediments from the transition zone between subaquesous delta and the continental shelf. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 62, no. 1-2, p. 161-168.
55) Yi, S., Saito, Y. (2004) Latest Pleistocene climate variation of the East Asian monsoon from pollen records of two East China regions. Quaternary International, vol. 121, no. 1, p. 75-87.
54) Chen, Z., Saito, Y., Kanai, Y., Wei, T., Li, L., Yao, H. (2004) Low concentration of heavy metals in the Yangtze estuarine sediments, China: a diluting setting. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 60, no. 1, p. 91-100.
53) Thanh, T.D., Saito, Y., Huy, D.V., Nguyen V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Tateishi, M. (2004) Regimes of human and climate impacts on coastal changes in Vietnam. Regional Environmental Changes, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 49-62.
52) Hori, K., Tanabe, S., Saito, Y., Haruyama, S., Nguyen, V., Kitamura, A. (2004) Delta initiation and Holocene sea-level change: example from the Song Hong (Red River) delta, Vietnam. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 164, no. 3-4, p. 237-249.
51) Yi, S., Saito, Y. (2003) Palynological evidence for late holocene environmental change on the Gimhae fluvial plain, southern Korean peninsula: reconstructing the rice and fall of Golden Crown Gaya State. Geoarchaeology, vol. 18 (8), p. 831-850.
50) Tanabe, S., Ta, T.K.O., Nguyen, V.L., Tateishi, M., Kobayashi, I., Saito, Y. (2003) Delta Evolution Model Inferred from the Holocene Mekong Delta, Southern Vietnam. In F. H. Sidi, D. Nummedal, P. Imbert, H. Darman, H. W. Posamentier (eds.) Tropical Deltas of Southeast Asia - Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Geology, SEPM Special Publication no. 76, p.175-188.
49) Tanabe, S., Hori, K., Saito, Y., Haruyama, S., Vu, V.P., Kitamura, A. (2003) Song Hong (Red River) delta evolution related to millennium-scale Holocene sea-level changes. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 22, no. 21-22, p. 2345-2361.
48) Uehara, K., Saito, Y. (2003) Late Quaternary evolution of the Yellow/East China sea tidal regime and its impacts on sediment dispersal and seafloor morphology. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 162, p. 25-38.
47) Meng, X.W., Liu, Y.G., Liu, Z.X., Du, D.W., Huang, Q.Y., Saito, Y. (2003) Reconstructing sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity and partial pressure of carbon dioxide in atmosphere in the Okinawa Trough during the Holocene and their paleoclimatic implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, vol. 48, supplements, p. 88-92.
46) Chen, Z.Y., Saito, Y., Hori, K., Zhao, Y.W., Kitamura, A. (2003) Early Holocene mud-ridge formation in the Yangtze offshore, China: a tidal-controlled estuarine pattern and sea-level implications. Marine Geology, vol. 198, p. 245-257.
45) Yi, S., Saito, Y., Zhao, Q, Wang, P. (2003) Vegetation and climate changes in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) delta, China, during the past 13,000 years inferred from pollen records. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 22, p. 1501-1519.
44) Tanabe, S., Saito, Y., Sato, Y., Suzuki, Y., Sinsakul, S., Tiyapairach, N., Chaimanee, N. (2003) Stratigraphy and Holocene evolution of the mud-dominated Chao Phraya delta, Thailand. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 22, p. 789-807.
43) Yi, S., Saito, Y., Ohshima, H., Zhou, Y., Wei, H. (2003) Holocene environmental history inferred from pollen assemblages in the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta, China: climatic change and human impact. Quaternary Science Reviews. Vol. 22, p. 609-628.
42) Tanabe, S., Hori, K., Saito, Y., Haruyama, S., Doanh, L.Q., Sato, Y., Hiraide, S. (2003) Sedimentary facies and radiocarbon dates of the Nam Dinh-1 core from the Song Hong (Red River) delta, Vietnam. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 21, p. 503-513.
41) Oguri, K., Matsumoto, E., Yamada, M., Saito, Y., Iseki, K. (2003) Sediment accumulation rates and budgets of depositing particles of the East China Sea. Deep-Sea Research part II, vol. 50(2), p. 513-528.
40) Tsunogai, S., Iseki, K., Kusakabe, M., Saito, Y. (2003) Biogeochemical cycles in the East China Sea: MASFLEX program. Deep-Sea Research part II, vol. 50(2), p. 321-326.
39) Lu, H.Y., Liu, Z.X., Wu, N.Q., Berne, S., Saito, Y., Liu, B.Z., Wang, L. (2002) Rice domestication and climate change: phytolith evidence from East China. Boreas, vol. 31 (4), p. 378-385.
38) Hori, K., Saito, Y., Wang, P., Zhao, Q. (2002) Evolution of the coastal depositional systems of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River in response to Late Pleistocene-Holocene sea-level changes. Journal of Sedimentary Research, vol. 72 (6), p. 884-897.
37) Hori, K., Saito, Y., Wang, P., Zhao, Q. (2002) Control of incised-valley fill stacking patterns by accelerated and decelerated sea-level rise: Changjiang example during the last deglaciation. Geo-Marine Letters, vol. 22(3), p. 127-132.
36) Ta, T.K.O., Nguyen, V.L., Tateishi, M., Kobayashi, I., Saito, Y., Nakamura, T. (2002) Sediment facies and late Holocene progradation of the Mekong River Deltain Bentre Province, southern Vietnam: an example of evolution from a tide-dominated to a tide- and wave-dominated delta. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 152, p. 313-325.
35) Ta, T.K.O., Nguyen, V.L., Tateishi, M., Kobayashi, I., Tanabe, S., Saito, Y. (2002) Holocene delta evolution and sediment discharge of the Mekong River, southern Vietnam. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 21, p. 1807-1819.
34) Hanebuth, T.J.J., Stattegger, K., Saito, Y. (2002) The stratigraphic architecture of the central Sunda Shelf (SE Asia) recorded by shallow-seismic surveying. Geo-Marine Letters, vol. 22, p. 86-94.
33) Uehara, K., Saito, Y. and Hori, K. (2002) Paleotidal regime in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary, the East China Sea, and the Yellow Sea at 6 ka and 10 ka estimated from a numerical model. Marine Geology, vol. 183, p. 179-192.
32) Hori, K., Saito, Y., Zhao, Q., Wang, P. (2002) Architecture and evolution of the tide-dominated Changjiang (Yangtze) River delta, China. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 146, p. 249-264.
31) Li TG, Liu ZX, Hall MA, Berne S, Saito Y, Cang SX, Cheng ZB (2001) Heinrich event imprints in the Okinawa Trough: evidence from oxygen isotope and planktonic foraminifera. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, vol. 176, p. 133-146.
30) Saito, Y., Yang, Z., Hori, K. (2001) The Huanghe (Yellow River) and Changjiang (Yangtze River) deltas: a review on their characteristics, evolution and sediment discharge during the Holocene. Geomorphology, vol. 41, p. 219-231.
29) Ta, T.K.O., Nguyen, V.L., Tateishi, M., Kobayashi, I., Saito, Y. (2001) Sediment facies and diatom and foraminifer assemblages of Late Pleistocene-Holocene incised-valley sequence from the Mekong River Delta, Bentre Province, Southern Vietnam: the BT2 core. Journal of Asian earth Sciences, vol. 20, p. 83-94.
28) Hori, K., Saito, Y., Zhao, Q., Wang, P., Li, C. (2001) Progradation of the Changjiang River delta since the mid-Holocene. Science in China, series B, vol. 44, supplement, p. 87-91.
27) Yang, S., Li, C., Zhao, Q., Saito, Y., Hori, K. (2001) Element geochemistry of Holocene sediment and paleoenvironmental change in the Changjiang estuary. Science in China, series B, vol. 44, supplement, p. 40-46.
26) Hori, K., Saito, Y., Zhao, Q., Cheng, X., Wang, P., Sato, Y., , Li, C. (2001) Sedimentary facies and Holocene progradation rates of the Changjiang (Yangtze) delta, China. Geomorphology, vol. 41, p. 233-248.
25) Liu, B., Saito, Y., Yamazaki, T., Abdeldayem, A., Oda, H., Hori, K., Zhao, Q. (2001) Paleocurrent analysis for the Late Pleistocene-Holocene incised-valley fill of the Yangtze delta, China by using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. Marine Geology, vol. 176, p. 175-189.
24) Hori, K., Saito, Y., Zhao, Q., Cheng, X., Wang, P., Sato, Y., Li, C. (2001) Sedimentary facies of the tide-dominated paleo-Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary during the last transgression. Marine Geology, vol. 177, p. 331-351.
23) Song, C., Sun, X., and Saito, Y. (2001) Paleoenvironmental information recorded by pollen in B-3GC gravity core in Okinawa Trough. Chinese Science Bulletin, vol 46, p. 938-942.
22) Liu ZX, Li TG, Li PY, Huang QY, Berne S, Saito Y, Cheng ZB, Wei GJ, Liu LJ, Li Z, (2001) The paleoclimatic events and cause in the Okinawa Trough during 50 kaBP. Chinese Science Bulletin, vol. 46, p. 153-157.
21) Wang, L., Saito, Y., Oba, T., et al. (2001) High-resolution records of thermocline in the Okinawa Trough since about 10000 aBP. Science in China, Ser. D, vol. 44, p. 193-200.
20) Oguri, K., Matsumoto, E., Saito, Y., Honda, M.C., Harada, N., and Kusakabe, M., (2000) Evidence for the offshore transport of terrestrial organic matter due to the rise of sea level: The case of the East China Sea continental shelf. Geophysical Research Letter, vol. 27, p. 3893-3896.
19) Jian, Z., Wang, P., Saito, Y., Wang, J., Pflaumann, U., Oba, T., Cheng, X. (2000) Holocene variability of the Kuroshio Current in the Okinawa Trough, northwestern Pacific Ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 184, p. 305-319.
18) Saito, Y., Wei, H., Zhou, Y., Nishimura, A., Sato, Y., and Yokota, S. (2000) Delta progradation and chenier formation in the Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 18, p. 489-497.
17) Liu, Z., Berge, S., Saito, Y., Lericolais G., and Marsset T. (2000) Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and paleoenvironments on the continental shelf of the East China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 18, p. 441-452.
16) Liu, Z.X., Saito, Y., Li, T.G., Berne, S., Chen, Z.B., Li, P.Y., Li, Z., Guichard, F., Floch, G., (1999) Millennial-scale paleoceanography in Okinawa Trough during Late Quaternary period. Chinese Science Bulletin, vol. 44, p. 1705-1709.
15) Saito, Y., Katayama, K., Ikehara, K., Kato, Y., Matsumoto, E., Oguri, K. , Oda, M., and Yumoto, M. (1998) Transgressive and highstand systems tract and post-glacial transgression, the East China Sea. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 122, p. 217-232.
14) Jian, Z, Saito, Y., Wang, P., Li, B. and Chen, R. (1998) Shifts of the Kuroshio axis over the last 20000 years. Chinese Science Bulletin, vol. 43 (12), p. 1053-1056.
13) Saito, Y. (1996) Grain-size and sediment-color variations of Pleistocene slope sediments off New Jersey. In Mountain. G. S., Miller, K. G., Blum, P., Poag, C. W., and Twichell, D. C. (eds.), Proceeding of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, vol. 150, p. 229-239.
12) McHugh, C. M.G., Snyder, S. W., Deconinck, J.-F., Saito, Y., Katz, M. E. and Aubry, M.-P. (1996) Upper Eocene tektites of the New jersey continental margin, site 904. In Mountain. G. S., Miller, K. G., Blum, P., Poag, C. W., and Twichell, D. C. (eds.), Proceeding of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, vol. 150, p. 241-265.
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10) Saito, Y. (1995) High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of an incised-valley fill in a wave- and fluvial-dominated setting: latest Pleistocene-Holocene examples from Kanto Plain of central Japan. Memoirs, Geological Society of Japan, no. 45, p. 76-100.
9) Saito, Y. (1994) Shelf sequence and characteristic bounding surfaces in a wave-dominated setting: Latest Pleistocene-Holocene examples from Northeast Japan. Marine Geology, vol. 120, p. 105-127.
8) Saito, Y., Bilgic, T. (1992) Erosional and depositional model in a storm-dominated coastal-shelf region during transgression: an example of the latest Pleistocene-Holocene sediments on the shelf off Kuji River, NE Japan. Journal of Sedimentological Society of Japan, no. 37, p. 59-69.
7) Saito, Y. (1991) Sequence stratigraphy on the shelf and upper slope in response to the latest Pleistocene-Holocene sea-level changes off Sendai, northeast Japan. International Association of Sedimentologists Spec. Publ., no. 12, p. 133-150.
6) Saito, Y., Nishimura, A., Matsumoto, E. (1989) Transgressive sand sheet covering the shelf and upper slope off Sendai, Northeast Japan. Marine Geology, vol. 89, p. 245-258.
5) Saito, Y. (1989) Late Pleistocene coastal sediments, drainage patterns and sand ridge systems on the shelf off Sendai, Northeast Japan. Marine Geology, vol. 89, p. 229-244.
4) Saito, Y. (1989) Storm-built sand ridges on the inner shelf of Kashima-nada, Northeast Japan. In Taira, A. and Masuda, F. eds., Sedimentary Facies in the Active Plate Margin, Terra Pub., Tokyo, 319-330.
3) Saito, Y. (1989) Modern storm deposits in the inner shelf and their recurrence intervals, Sendai Bay, Northeast Japan. In Taira, A. and Masuda, F. eds., Sedimentary Facies in the Active Plate Margin, Terra Pub., Tokyo. 331-344.
2) Yonekura, N., Ishii, T., Saito, Y., Maeda, Y., Matsushima, Y., Matsumoto, E. and Kayanne, H. (1988) Holocene fringing reefs and sea-level change in Mangaia Island, Southern Cook Islands. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 68, p. 177-188.
1) Milliman, J. D., Qin, Y. S., Ren, M.-e, Saito, Y. (1987) Man’s influence on the erosion and transport of sediment by Asian rivers: the Yellow River (Huanghe) example. Journal of Geology, vol. 95, p. 751-762.
2. Book Chapters
13) Tamura, T., Saito, Y. (2019) Beach Stratigraphy. In: Finkl, C.W. and Makowski, C., eds., Earth Sciences Series. Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, 2nd Edition, Springer. (Online 2018.08)
12) Saito, Y., Ikehara, K., Tamura, T. (2016) Coastal geology and oceanography. In: Moreno, T., Wallis, S.R., Kojima, T., and Gibbons, W., eds., The Geology of Japan. Geological Society, London, p. 409–430.
11) Saito, Y., K.L. McInnes (2014) Building long-term resilience from tropical cyclone disasters. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Working Group II of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, World Meteorological Organization, pp. 149–150.
10) Wong, P.P., Losada, I.J., Gattuso, J.P., Hinkel, J., Khattabi, A., McInnes, K.L, Saito, Y., Sallenge, A. (2014) Coastal systems and low-lying areas. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Working Group II of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, World Meteorological Organization, p. 361–409.
9) Woodroffe, C.D., Saito, Y. (2011) River-dominated coasts. In: Wolanski E and McLusky DS (eds.) Treatise of Estuarine and Coastal Science, Volume 3, Chapter 5, Academic Press, pp. 117–135.
8) Goodgred, S.L Jr., Saito, Y. (2011) Tide-dominated deltas. In: Davis, R.A. Jr. and Dalrymple, R.W., eds., Principles of Tidal Sedimentology, Springer, pp. 129–149.
7) Saito, Y. (2009) Sediment delivery, sea-level rise and coastal evolution: Natural and anthropogenic changes. In Lebel, L., Snidvongs, A., Chen, C.-T.A., Daniel, R., eds., Critical States: Environmental Challenges to Development in Monsoon Southeast Asia, SIRD, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, p. 309–318.
6) Saito, Y. (2008) Coastal characteristics and changes in coastal features. In Mimura, N. (ed.), Asia-Pacific Coasts and Their Management: The states of Environment. Coastal Systems and Continental Margins, Vol. 11. Springer, pp. 65–78.
5) Hori, K., Saito, Y. (2007) Classification, architecture, and evolution of large-river deltas. In A. Gupta, ed., Large Rivers: Geomorphology and Management, John Wiley & Sons, 75–96.
4) Woodroffe, C.D., Nicholls, R.J., Saito, Y., Chen, Z., Goodbred, S.L. (2006) Landscape variability and the response of Asian megadeltas to environmental change. In Harvey, N. (ed.), Global Change and Integrated Coastal Management: the Asia-Pacific Region. Coastal Systems and Continental Margins, Vol. 10. Springer, pp. 277–314.
3) Saito, Y. (2005) Beach stratigraphy. In Schwartz, M. ed., Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, Springer, 179-181.
2) Saito, Y. (2005) Deltaic coast dynamics. In C.J. Crossland, H.H. Kremer, H.J. Lindeboom, J.I. Marshall Crossland, and M.D. Le Tissier, eds., Coastal Fluxes in the Anthropocene, IGBP Book series, Springer, 48-49.
1) Hu, D., Saito, Y. and Kempe, S. (1998) Sediment and nutrient transport to the coastal zone. In James N. Galloway and Jerry M. Melillo, eds, Asian Change in the Context of Global Climate Change: Impact of Natural and Anthropogenic Changes in Asia on Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Cambridge University Press, IGBP Book Series 3, p. 245-270.
3. Japanese Book Chapters
18) 堀 和明・斎藤文紀 (2010) 世界と日本のデルタ.日本第四紀学会電子出版編集委員会編「デジタルブック最新第四紀学」,pp. 179-183, 日本第四紀学会,
17) 堀 和明・斎藤文紀(2009)ミシシッピデルタ.「宇宙から見た地形」,朝倉書店, pp. 4-7.
16) 斎藤文紀 (2008) 研究史からみた関東平野の沖積層.日本地質学会編,日本地方地質誌「関東地方」,朝倉書店, pp. 369-380. (2008.10)
15) 斎藤文紀 (2007) アジアの大規模デルター海面変動と人間活動の影響ー.日本第四紀学会・町田 洋・岩田修二・小野 昭編「地球史が語る近未来の環境」,東京大学出版会, pp. 55-79. (2007.06)
14) 斎藤文紀(2005)大陸棚の分布とその特徴.小池一之・田村俊和・鎮西清高・宮城豊彦編,日本の地形3「東北」,東京大学出版会,pp. 80-85.
13) 柳 哲雄・上 真一・茅根 創・小島治幸・斎藤文紀・田辺信介・宮城豊彦・門谷 茂(2003)海洋環境への影響.原沢英夫・西岡秀三編著「地球温暖化と日本 第3次報告ー自然・人への影響予測ー」古今書院,pp. 221-259.
12) 斎藤文紀(2003)第2編 物理・化学環境要因調査,第2章 物理要因の調査法,3ー7堆積物の移動.監修竹内 均「地球環境調査計測事典 第3巻沿岸域編」フジ・テクノシステム,東京,pp. 125-128.(2003.11)
11) 斎藤文紀(2001)大陸と日本の間,東シナ海.「日本の地形7,九州・南西諸島」. 311-314.(東京大学出版会)(2001.12)
10) 斎藤文紀(2001)堆積構造,堆積相,堆積システム.産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター「地質学ハンドブック」朝倉書店,65-77.
9) 斎藤文紀(2001)シーケンス層序学.産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター「地質学ハンドブック」朝倉書店,100-104.
8) 斎藤文紀(2001)沿岸環境問題におけるIGBP-LOICZの活動.海津正倫・平井幸弘編「海面上昇とアジアの海岸」,古今書院,東京,178-187.
7) 斎藤文紀 (1998) 堆積学辞典.堆積学研究会編 朝倉書店,東京,478. (項目選定及び部分執筆)
6) 斎藤文紀(1996)新版地学事典,地学団体研究会編 平凡社,東京,1443. (部分執筆)
5) 斎藤文紀 (1995) 河口デルタの埋積システム-小櫃川三角州の形成機構-.大沢雅彦・大原 隆編「生物-地球環境の科学 -南関東の自然誌-」,朝倉書店,東京,29-40.
4) 斎藤文紀 (1993) 堆積物.第四紀試料分析法1 試料調査法,東京大学出版会,東京,16-19.
3) 斎藤文紀 (1993) 堆積物.第四紀試料分析法2 研究対象別分析法,東京大学出版会,東京,46-47.
2) 斎藤文紀 (1993) 軟X線写真観察法.第四紀試料分析法2 研究対象別分析法,東京大学出版会,東京,103-108.
1) 斎藤文紀 (1991) 霞ヶ浦・北浦・外浪逆浦. 奥田節夫・倉田 亮・長岡正利・沢村和彦編 理科年表読本「空からみる日本の湖沼」,丸善,東京,128-131.
April 2016: AIST President Award (FY 2015)
May 2015: VAST (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology) Medal
September 2014: Geological Society of Japan Prize
September 2014: JaQUA (Japan Association for Quaternary Research) Award
March 2014: Honorary Professor of Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China Geological Survey
August 2009: JaQUA (Japan Association for Quaternary Research) Academic Award
April 2008: AIST President Award (FY 2007)
Others (Guest Professor, Visiting Professor)
- Ocean University of China (1994–present)
- First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanographic Administration (SOA), P.R. China (1998–present)
- State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC), East China Normal University (2009–2012)
- Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanographic Administration (SOA), P.R. China (2014–2018)