SETO Koji(Associate Professor)
Research Interests
- Substratum environments and sedimentation process in coastal lagoon
- Circulation system and productivity in coastal lagoon
- Natural history in coastal lagoon
- Natural history in Antarctic Lake
- sedimentation pattern in the anoxic environments
Academic Papers
- 辻本 彰・瀬戸浩二,2020.中海における2016年の底生有孔虫群集の分布. Laguna(汽水域研究), 27, 59-68. (2020.12)
- 廣瀬孝太郎・瀬戸浩二・辻本 彰・香村一夫,2020.中海Nk-3C地点における湖底表層堆積物層序および過去約600年間の有機化学的環境の変化. Laguna(汽水域研究), 27, 41-57. (2020.12)
- 佐々木聡史・入月俊明・卜部厚志・林 広樹・瀬戸浩二・酒井哲弥,2020.長崎県壱岐市芦辺港における完新世の古環境と相対的海水準変動.Laguna(汽水域研究),27, 1–18. (2020.08)
- 香月興太・瀬戸浩二・菅沼悠介・Dong Yoon Yang,2019. 湖底堆積物調査における携帯型採泥器具の種類と特徴について.地学雑誌, 128, 359–376.
- Cho, A., Kashima, K., Seto, K., Yamada, K., Sato, T., Katsuki, K., 2019. Climate Change during the Little Ice Age from the Lake Hamana sediment record. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 223, 39–49.
- Katsuki, K., Seto, K., Tsujimoto, A., Takata, H., Sonoda, T., 2019. Relationship between regional climate change and primary ecosystem characteristics in a lagoon undergoing anthropogenic eutrophication, Lake Mokoto, Japan. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 222, 205–213.
- Seto, K., Saito, M., Noguchi, T., Sonoda, T., Katsuki, K., 2019. Effects of inlet excavation and climate oscillation on the ecosystem of a fishery lagoon in northern Japan. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 25, 100458.
- Yamada, K., Kohara, K., Ikehara, M., Seto, K., 2019. The variations in the east Asian summer monsoon over the past 3 kyrs and the controlling factors. Scientific Reports, 9, 5036.
- 香月興太・瀬戸浩二・園田武, 2018.網走湖における珪藻群集の季節変化.LAGUNA (汽水域研究), 25, 11–18.
- 倉田健悟・園田武・山口啓子・瀬戸浩二, 2018. 2016年夏の中海および本庄水域における底生生物相.LAGUNA (汽水域研究), 24, 49–63.
- Cheung, C.W.R., Yasuhara, M., Mamo, B., Katsuki, K., Seto, K., Takata, H., Yang, D.Y., Nakanishi, T., Iwatani, H., 2018. Decadal-centennial scale East Asian Summer Monsoon variability over the past millennium: an oceanic perspective. Geophysical Research Letters. 45, 7711–7718.
- Irizuki, T., Hirose, K., Ueda, Y., Fujihara, Y., Ishiga, H., Seto, K., 2018. Ecological shifts due to anthropogenic activities in the coastal seas of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, since the 20th century. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 127, 637–653.
- Yamada, K., Masuma, T., Seto, K., Uchida, M., Amano, A., Sampei, Y., 2018. Paleoenvironments and relative sea-level changes caused by regional tectonics during the last 4500 years in Kumihama Bay, northern Kyoto Prefecture, central Japan. Quaternary International, 471, 332–344.
- Ota, Y., Kawahata, H., Sato, T., Seto, K., 2017. Flooding history of Lake Nakaumi, western Japan, inferred from sediment records during the past 700 years. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32(8), 1063–1074.
- Hong, Y., Yasuhara, M., Iwatani, H., Seto, K., Yokoyama, Y., Yoshioka, K., Mamo, B., 2017. Freshwater reservoir construction by damming a marine inlet in Hong Kong: paleoecological evidence of local community change. Marine Micropaleontology, 132, 53–59.
- Yamada, K., Masuma, T., Sakai, S., Seto, K., Ogusa, H., Irizuki, T., 2016. Centennial-scale East Asian summer monsoon intensity based on delta O-18 values in ostracode shells and its relationship to land-ocean air temperature gradients over the past 1700 years. Geology, 44(4), 255–258
- 香月興太・瀬戸浩二,2016.中海における2006年春・夏季の赤潮収束過程. LAGUNA (汽水域研究), 23, 13–22.
- 高田裕行・瀬戸浩二・前川公彦・川尻敏文,2016.サロマ湖・網走湖・能取湖・藻琴湖・濤沸湖の表層堆積物における主要元素の分布(予報). LAGUNA (汽水域研究), 23, 39–46.
- 高田裕行・瀬戸浩二・園田武・川尻敏文,2016.能取湖における現生底生有孔虫の分布(予報). LAGUNA (汽水域研究), 23, 47–58.
- 篠原隆佑・山口啓子・瀬戸浩二・倉田健悟,2016.干拓堤防の一部撤去が中海本庄水域の二枚貝の分布に与えた影響.日本ベントス学会誌,71, 1-10
- Saraswati, P. K., Seto, K.and Nomura,R. (2003) Oxygen and carbon isotopic variation in co-existing larger foraminifera from a reef flat at Akajima, Okinawa, Japan. Marine Micropaleontology, 957, p.1-11.
- 高田裕行・村上俊介・瀬戸浩二・坂井三郎・田中里志・高安克巳,2003.京都府阿蘇海における底生有孔虫群.Laguna, 10, p.113-118.
- Imura, S., Bando, T., Seto, K. , Ohtani, S. , Kudoh, S. and Kanda, H, 2003. Distribution of aquatic mosses in the Soya Coast region, East Antarctica. Polar Biosci., 216, 1-10.
- Nomura, R. and Seto, K., 2002. Influence of marine construction on environments of the brackish Lake Nakaumi, southwest Japan: Foraminiferal evidence. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, Vol.108, 6, 394-409, 2002.
- 瀬戸浩二・伊村智・坂東忠司・神田啓史,2002,南極湖沼に記録された完新世の古環境.月刊 地球,24,1, 31-36.
- 瀬戸浩二・真先修・田中邦昌・高安克己,2000.宍道湖における底生有孔虫群集.島根大学地球資源環境学研究報告,19, 65-76.
- 瀬戸浩二・中山大介・田中秀典・山口啓子,2000.宍道湖におけるアオコの発生とその地球化学的特徴.Laguna, 7, p.61-69.
- 瀬戸 浩二・川畑幸子・高津和人・高安克己,1999.西表島ウダラ川河口におけるマングローブ沼の堆積環境.Laguna, 6, p.273-282.
- MIURA, H., MAEMOKU H., SETO, K. and MORIWAKI, K., 1998, Late Quaternary East Antarctic melting event in the S_ya Coast region on the basis of stratigraphy and oxygen isotopic ratio of fossil molluscs, Polar. Geosci., 11, p.262-277.
International Symposium
- Seto, K., Katsuki, K., Sonoda, T., Yamada, K.: Middle to Late Holocene paleoenvironmental history by High resolution analysis of clastic varves in the Lake Mokoto, Hokkaido, Japan. The 16th East Eurasia International Workshop, Ulaanbaatar, 17 September 2019.
- Kitagawa, J., Seto, K., Kojima, H., Yamada, K., Yoshida, T.: The climate condition and vegetation change by flood during the Late Yayoi period in Wakasa region, central Japan. 20th Congress of International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA 2019), Dublin, 27 July 2019.
- Seto, K., Katsuki, K., Sonoda, T., Yamada, K.: Late Holocene paleoenvironmental history by High resolution analysis of clastic varves in the brackish Lake Mokoto, Hokkaido, Japan. 20th Congress of International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA 2019), Dublin, 26 July 2019.
- Katsuki, K., Seto, K., Takata, H., Noguchi, T., Tsujimoto, A., Sonoda, T., Yang, D.-Y.: Effects of short-term climate oscillation on ecosystem of eutrophic lagoons in East Asia. 20th Congress of International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA 2019), Dublin, 26 July 2019.
- Seto, K., Fujii, H., Sato, T., Uemura, K., Katsuki, K., Yamada, K.: The reconstraction of paleo-water mass structure during the late Holocene in Hamana-ko, Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan. The 3rd International Symposium in Sizuoka Prefecture, hosted by fujimu and Mt. Fuji WHC. The future of earth: Insights from island civilizations. Shizuoka, 16-17 March 2019.
- Katsuki, K., Seto, K., Tsujimoto, A., Takata, H., Sonoda, T.: Interannual scale changes of the lagoon ecosystem undergoing anthropogenic eutrophication and the effect of regional climate change since the 19 century. The 3rd International Symposium in Sizuoka Prefecture, hosted by fujimu and Mt. Fuji WHC. The future of earth: Insights from island civilizations. Shizuoka, 16-17 March 2019.
- Katsuki, K., Seto, K., Sonoda, T., Noguchi, T., Yang, D.-Y.: Effects of short-term climate oscillation on East Asian lagoons. International Special Session on Estuary Development and Long-Term Environmental Changes in East Asia, Matsue, 13 January 2019.
- Cho, A., Kashima, K., Katsuki, K., Seto, K., Yamada, K., Sato, T.: Paleoclimate change during Little Ice Age in Lake Hamana, Japan. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A., December 10–14, 2018.
- Yasuhara, M., Cheung, R.C.W., Mamo, B.L., Katsuki, K., Seto, K., Takata, T., Yang, D.Y., Nakanishi, N., Yamada, K., Iwatani, H.: Decadal‐centennial scale East Asian summer monsoon variability over the past millennium: an oceanic perspective. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., U.S.A., December 10–14, 2018.
- Katsuki, K., Suganuma, Y., Tanabe, Y., Shibata, D., Kawamata, M., Seto, K., Irizuki, T., Shakutsui, H., Kashima, K., Ikehara, M., and Kudo, S.: Preliminaly report of lake sediment investigation in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica by JARE58/59. The 9th Symposium of Polar Science, Tokyo, Japan, December 4–7, 2018.
- Seto, K., Katsuki, K., Takeshi, S.: The formation process of the flood type lamina in the Lake Mokoto, Hokkaido, Japan. AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA, December 11–15, 2017.
- Kurata, K., Seto, K., Yamaguchi, K., Shinohara, R., Sonoda, T.: Recent environmental changes and benthic community response in Lake Nakaumi and the Honjo area, Japan. 8th Asian Wetland Symposium (AWS2017) —Wetlands for Sustainable Life—. Hotel Grande Hagakure, Saga, Japan. 7–11 November 2017.
- Kang, I., Kashima, K., Seto, K., Tani, Y., Watanabe, T., Nakamura, T., Imura, S., Mastumoto, G.I.: Pastenvironmental changes of coastal lake in east Antarctica during the Holocene inferred from siliceous microfossils. 3rd Asian Association for Quaternary Research (ASQUA) Conference, Jeju, Korea, September 4-8, 2017.
- Seto, K., Kitagawa, J., Irisawa, S., Kastuki, K., Yamada, K.: Formative process of varve sediments and recent precipitation record in the Lake Hiruga, Fukui Prefecture, central Japan. 3rd Asian Association for Quaternary Research (ASQUA) Conference, Jeju, Korea, September 4-8, 2017. 招待講演
- Seto, K., Kishiba, S., Sato, T. and Tanaka, H. (2003) Paleoenvironment change of the brackish-water lake during the past 3000 years recorded in the sediment of Lake Nakaumi, Southwest Japan,the AGU 2003 Fall Meeting,San Francisco,USA.
- Tanaka, H. , Seto, K. and Sato, T. (2003) Change in fossil shell assemblage pattern recorded in core samples from Nakaumi Lake (Brackish Lake), Japan,the AGU 2003 Fall Meeting,San Francisco,USA.
- Sato, T., Endo, M., Hamamoto, Y., M Okawa, Seto, K. and Funaki, M. (2003) The Origins of Magnetic Minerals and Their Changes in the Sediments from Lake Nakaumi and Lake Shinnji, Western Japan: Effects of Ancient Iron Manufacture,the AGU 2003 Fall Meeting,San Francisco,USA.
- Nomura, R., Seto, K.,Kuwamura, T. and Yamasaki, K.(2004) Acoustic signals of the aquatic environment of Lake Nakaumi, International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments, Matsue.
- Nomura, R., Seto, K. and Mizoyama, I.(2004) Photo documentation of the bottom environment of Lake Nakaumi, International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments, Matsue.
- Seto, K., Kishiba, S., Sato, T. and Tanaka, H. (2004) Paleoenvironmental Change in Lake Nakaumi during the past 3000 years as recorded in sediment cores, International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments, Matsue.
- Nakatake, M. and Seto, K. (2004) Paleoenvironmental Change in a Low Saline Brackish-water Lake during the past 5000 years as recorded in the Sediment of Lake Shinji, Southwest Japan, International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments, Matsue.
- Sato, T., Okawa, M., Endo, M., Hamamoto, Y., Seto, K. and Funaki, M. (2004) Paleoenvironmental change based on magnetic characteristics in sediments from Lake Nakaumi and Lake Shinji, International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments, Matsue.
- Tanaka, H., Seto, K. and Sato, T. (2004) The impact of environmental change on mollusk assemblages in brackish Lake Nakaumi, Japan, International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments, Matsue.
- Dettman, D. L. and Seto, K. (2004) Organic matter in Lake Shinji and Nakaumi sediments: Sources inferred from nitrogen and carbon geochemistry, International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments, Matsue.
- Nakamura, K.and Seto, K. (2004) Features of the mangrove environment and the runoff of its produced material in the Funaura Bay, Iriomote Island, Okinawa Prefecture, International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments, Matsue.
- Uchiyama, T. and Seto, K. (2004) The distribution of primary producer and biomass in the brackish-water lake, International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments, Matsue.
- Yasui, D., Uchiyama, T. and Seto, K. (2004) The seasonal change of brackish environment and biomass of primary producer in the estuary of Hii River water system, International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments, Matsue.
- Takata, H., Seto, K., Saburo Sakai., S., Tanaka S. and Takayasu, K (2004) Specific ecology of Virgulinella fragilis Grindell and Collen (benthic foraminifer) under year-round oxygen deficiency in Aso-kai Lagoon, central Japan, International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments, Matsue.