第132回汽水域懇談会 -吉岡 秀和 博士・増木 新吾 博士・Jorg Imberger(ヨルグインバーガー)博士- のお知らせ(04/10)
公開日 2018年03月16日
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第132回の懇談会は、生物資源科学部環境共生科学科との合同セミナーとし、若手研究者2名の発表とともにメインゲストとして、西オーストラリア大学Centre for Water Reseach研究所で長らく所長を務められた Jorg Imberger 博士(マイアミ大学)の話題提供で行います。皆様お誘い合わせの上、ご参加下さいますようお願い申し上げます。
題目 : 環境と生態に関する公開講演会~Jorg Imberger 博士をお招きして~
話題提供者 : 吉岡 秀和 博士(自然科学研究科助教)・増木 新吾 博士(エスチュアリー研究センター特任助教)・ Jorg Imberger 博士(西オーストラリア大学Centre for Water Reseach研究所 元所長)
日時 : 2018年04月10日(火)15:30~18:00
場所 : 島根大学 生物資源科学部3号館2F マルチメディア演習室1
Global warming has been elevated to a religious icon of a devil. This allows us to blame all and sundry on the devil, feel righteous and do nothing useful. Billions of dollars are being spent annually on the so called global warming problem, politicians are carrying on about it endlessly, spending taxpayers money, based on their uneducated understanding of the problem. Industry is exploiting the emotional aspects for the benefit of their shareholders and scientists are playing with large numerical simulations, of dubious usefulness, like kids with new toys.
It is time to take stock and put into focus the nature of the threat that is real under a business as usual scenario. I will start with explaining why the interglacial periodicity is 100,000 years, a new result that seems to have escaped attention. This understanding opens the way for a simple quantification of the effect of greenhouse gases and a synthesis of solutions to the, so called, global warming threat. I will use Western Australia as an example, of how the world could become carbon neutral, almost overnight, prosper economically and protect its biodiversity.
The only question, in my own mind is, whether we have the courage to change course and not just follow our tribal leaders blindly into extinction.