平成29年度(2017)受理済論文 (査読付き)
1) Kato T., Sugahara, S., Kajitani, T., Senga, Y., Egawa, M., Kamiya, H., Seike, Y., 2017. Determination of Trace Hydrazine in Environmental Water Samples by in situ Solid Phase Extractio. Analytical Sciences, 33, 487–491. (2017.04) [Corresponding Author]
2) Inoue, T., Sugahara, S., Seike, Y., Kamiya, H., Nakamura, Y., 2017. Short-term variation in benthic phosphorus transfer due to discontinuous aeration/oxygenation operation. Limnology 18(2), 195–207, DOI: 10.1007/s10201-016-0501-z. (2017.04)
3) Hong, Y., Yasuhara, M., Iwatani, H., Seto, K., Yokoyama, Y., Yoshioka, K., Mamo, B., 2017. Freshwater reservoir construction by damming a marine inlet in Hong Kong: paleoecological evidence of local community change. Marine Micropaleontology, 132, 53–59. (2017.04)
4) Katsuki, K., Yang, D.-Y., Lim, J., Lee, J.-Y., Asahi, H., Han, M., 2017. Multi-centennial-scale changes in East Asian typhoon frequency during the mid-Holocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 476, 140–146. (2017.06)
5) Kato T., Sugahara, S., Murakami, M., Senga, Y., Egawa, M., Kamiya, H., Omata, K., Seike, Y., 2017. Sensitive Method for the Oxidation-determination of Trace Hydroxylamine in Environmental Water Using Hypochlorite Followed by Gas Chromatography. Analytical Sciences, 33, 691–695. (2017.06) [Corresponding Author]
6) Trivedi, J.N., Osawa, M., Vachhrajjani, K. D., 2017. A new species of the genus Ancylocheles Haig, 1978 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Porcellanidae) from Gujarat, northwestern India. Zootaxa, 4299 (3),384-390. (2017.07)
7) Egawa, M., Sugahara, S., Seike, Y., 2017. Continuous fractional extraction method using sodium sulfide solution for spectrophotometric determination of inorganic phosphorus in lake bottom sediments. Bunseki Kagaku, 66(7), 495–502. (2017.07) 江川美千子・管原庄吾・清家 泰,2017.硫化ナトリウム溶液を用いる湖底堆積物中無機態リンの連続分画抽出/吸光光度定量法.分析化学 (2017.07)
8) Nakanishi, T., Hong, W., Sung, K. S., Nakashima, R., Nahm. W.-H., Lim, J., Katsuki, K., 2017. Offset in radiocarbon age between plant and shell pairs in Holocene sediment around the Mae-ho Lagoon on the eastern coast of Korea. Quaternary International, 447, 3–12. (2017.08)
9) Wu, X., Bi, N., Xu, J., Nittrouer, J., Yang, Z., Saito, Y., Wang, H., 2017. Stepwise morphological evolution of the active Yellow River (Huanghe) delta lobe (1976–2013): Dominant roles of riverine discharge and sediment grain size. Geomorphology, 292, 115–127. (2017.09)
10) Liu, J.P., DeMaster, D.J., Nittrouer, C.A., Eidam, E.F., Nguyen, T.T., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Li, X., 2017. Stratigraphic Formation of the Mekong River Delta and Its Recent Shoreline Changes. Oceanography, 30(3), 72–83. (2017.09)
11) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Nakashima, R., Tamura, T., Uehara, K., Katsuki, K., Yamamoto, S., 2017. Process regime, salinity, morphological, and sedimentary trends along the fluvial to marine transition zone of the mixed-energy Mekong River delta, Vietnam. Continental Shelf Research, 147, 7–26. (2017.09) [Corresponding Author]
12) Ohbayashi, K., Hodoki, Y., Kondo, N.I., Kunii, H., Shimada, M., 2017. A massive tsunami promoted gene flow and increased genetic diversity in a near threatened plant species. Scientific Reports, 7, 10933. (2017.09)
13) Wang, H., Wu, X., Bi, N., Li, S., Yuan, P., Wang, A., Syvitski, J., Saito, Y., Yang, Z., Liu, S., Nittrouer, J., 2017. Impacts of dam-oriented Water-Sediment Regulation Scheme on the lower reaches and delta of the Yellow River, China: A review. Global and Planetary Change, 157, 93–113. (2017. 10)
14) Hsiung, K.H., Saito, Y., 2017. Sediment trapping in deltas of small mountainous rivers of southwestern Taiwan and its influence on East China Sea sedimentation. Quaternary International, 455, 30–44. (2017. 10) [Corresponding Author]
15) Hori, K., Saito, Y., 2017. Differences in radiocarbon ages among molluscan shells, plant materials, and total organic carbon: An example from the paleo-Changjiang incised-valley fill, China. Quaternary International, 455, 45–55. (2017. 10) [Corresponding Author]
16) Ota, Y., Kawahata, H., Sato, T., Seto, K., 2017. Flooding history of Lake Nakaumi, western Japan, inferred from sediment records during the past 700 years. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32(8), 1063–1074. (2017.11)
17) Katsuki, K., Nakanishi, T., Lim, J., Nahm, W.-H., 2017. Holocene salinity fluctuations of the East Korean lagoon related to sea level and precipitation changes. Island Arc, 26(6), e12214. (2017.11)
18) Li, X., Liu, J.P., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., 2017. Recent evolution of the Mekong Delta and the impacts of dams. Earth-Science Reviews, 175, 1–17. (2017.12)
19) Yang, D.Y., Han, M., Kim, J.C., Cho, Y.-K., Kim, J.Y., Yi, S., Katsuki, K., Williams, H.F.L., 2017. Shell and gravel layers caused by storm-induced rip currents during the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age in South Korea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 487, 204–215. (2017.12)
20) Cui, M., Wang, Z.H., Nageswara Rao, K., Sangode, S.J., Saito, Y., Chen, T., Kulkarni, Y.R., Naga Kumar, K.Ch.V., Demudu, G., 2017. A mid- to late-Holocene record of vegetation decline and erosion triggered by monsoon weakening and human adaptations in the south-east Indian Peninsula. The Holocene, 27, 1976-–1987. (2017.12)
21) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., Ben, B., Sieng, S., Oliver, T.S.N., 2018. Sedimentology of Late Holocene fluvial levee and point-bar deposits from the Cambodia tract of the Mekong River. Journal of the Geological Society, 175, 176–186. (2018. 01) doi: 10.1144/jgs2017-047,
22) Yajima, H., Derot, J., 2017. Application of Random Forest model for chlorophyll-a forecast in fresh and brackish water bodies in Japan, using multivariate long-term databases. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 20, 206–220. (2018.01)
23) Minami, K., Sawada, H., Masuda, R., Takahashi, K., Shirakawa, H., Yamashita, Y., 2017. Stage specific distribution of Japanese sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus in Maizuru Bay, Sea of Japan in relation to environmental factors. Fisheries Science, 84, 251–259. (2018.03)
24) Sugai, R., Sugahara, S., Seike, Y., 2017. Salinity fluctuation factor in the brackish Lake Shinji. LAGUNA, 24, 19–25.
25) 香月興太・倉田健悟,2017.島根県大橋川の葦に付着する珪藻種.LAGUNA, 24, 1–18. (2017.07)
26) 亀谷均・堀江克明・幸田憲明・久間英樹・松本浩介・内村和弘・小森健一・増木新吾・東裕人,2017.ダム湖の溶存酸素濃度改善システムの開発.日本機械学会,Vol. 83, no. 853, 1–14. (2017.08)
27) 橋本健・矢島啓,2017. 気象条件の最大化による可能最大降水量(PMP)と可能最大洪水(PMF)の推定.水文水資源学会誌,30(6), 356–372. (2017.11)
28) Komai, T., Osawa , M., Maenosono, T., Fujita, Y., Naruse, T., 2018. Record of a callianassid ghost shrimp Lepidophthalmus tridentatus (von Martens, 1869) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Axiidea: Callianassidae) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Fauna Ryukyuana. 42, 9–27. (2018.3)
29) Shinohara, R, Hiroki, M., Kohzu, A., Imai, A., Inoue, T., Furusato, E., Komatsu, K., Satou, T., Tomioka, N., Shimotori,K, Miura, S., 2017. Role of organic phosphorus in sediment in a shallow eutrophic lake. Water Resource Research, 53, 7175–7189. (2017.08)
30) 藤井伸二・山室真澄・神谷 宏・江角敏明,2017.セキショウモ実生を用いた水質への反応実験における測定形質の探索.水草研究会誌,No.105, 24-28. (2017.06)
1) 大澤正幸・桑原友春・倉田健悟,2017.日本海沿岸からのフジテガニの初記録.ホシザキグリーン財団研究報告,20, 213–218. (2017.3)
2) 大澤正幸・桑原友春・倉田健悟,ニセウロココシオリエビ (新称)の日本海からの初記録.ホシザキグリーン財団研究報告,21, 91–95. (2018.3)
1) 國井秀伸(2017)汽水湖.日本湿地学会監修「図説 日本の湿地」, 102-103, 朝倉書店.ISBN978-4-254-18052-7(2017年6月25日初版第1刷発行)