

平成30年度(2018)受理済論文 (査読付き)

1) Irizuki, T., Hirose, K., Ueda, Y., Fujihara, Y., Ishiga, H., Seto, K., 2018. Ecological shifts due to anthropogenic activities in the coastal seas of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, since the 20th century. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 127, 637–653. (2018.02)

2) Tamaki, H., Muraoka, D., Inoue, T., 2018. Effect of water flow on grazing by the sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus nudus) in the presence of refuge habitat. Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 16, 30–39.

3) Kurata, K., Hiratsuka, J., 2018. Spatiotemporal changes in distributions of the two dominant bivalve species in an estuarine river connecting two brackish lakes, Japan. Marine Biology Research, 14, 484–496.
4) Song, B., Yi, S., Yu, S.-Y., Nahm, W.-H., Lee, J.-Y., Kim, J.-C., Yang, Z., Han, M., Jo, K.-N., Saito, Y., 2018. Holocene relative sea-level changes inferred from multiple proxies on the west coast of South Korea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 496, 268–281. (2018.05)

5) Yamada, K., Masuma, T., Seto, K., Uchida, M., Amano, A., Sampei, Y., 2018. Paleoenvironments and relative sea-level changes caused by regional tectonics during the last 4500 years in Kumihama Bay, northern Kyoto Prefecture, central Japan. Quaternary International, 471, 332–344. (2018.04)

6) Liu, J., Zhang, X.H., Mei, X., Zhao, Q.H., Guo, X.W., Zhao, W.N., Liu, J.X., Saito, Y., Wu, Z.Q., Li, J., Zhu, X.Q., Chu, H.X., 2018. The sedimentary succession of the last ~3.50 Myr in the western South Yellow Sea: paleoenvironmental and tectonic implications. Marine Geology, 399, 47–65. (2018. 05)

7) Sakuno, Y., Yajima, H., Yoshioka, Y., Sugahara, S., Abd Elbasit, M.A.M., Adam, E., Chirima, J.G., 2018. Evaluation of unified algorithms for remote sensing of chlorophyll-a and turbidity in Lake Shinji and Lake Nakaumi of Japan and the Vaal Dam Reservoir of South Africa under eutrophic and ultra-turbid conditions. Water, 10(5), 618. (2018. 05)

8) Kurisu, A., Suga, H., Prochazka, Z., Suzuki, K., Oguri, K., Inoue, T. 2018. Potential Technique for Improving the Survival of Victims of Tsunamis. PLoS one 13(5), e0197498. (2018.05)

9) Osawa. M., Naruse, T., Ng, P.K.L., 2018. New records of species of the Polyonyx sinensis group (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Porcellanidae) from Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia, with descriptions of two new species. Zootaxa, 4429 (2), 303–323. (2018. 06)

10) Osawa, M., Ng, P.K.L., 2018. A new species of the genus Raphidopus Stimpson, 1858 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Porcellanidae) from Peninsular Malaysia, with additional records of R. johnsoni Ng & Nakasone, 1994 from the Southeast Asia and a key to the genus. Zootaxa, 4433 (1), 111–126. (2018. 06)

11) Takata, H., Shin, S., Katsuki, K., Itaki, T. Ikehara, K., Cheong, D., 2018. Mid-Holocene forcing of the Tsushima Warm Current to the coastal environments in southwestern Japan with a view to foraminiferal faunas. Quaternary International 48, 56–66. (2018.07)

12) Cheung, C.W.R., Yasuhara, M., Mamo, B., Katsuki, K., Seto, K., Takata, H., Yang, D.Y., Nakanishi, T., Iwatani, H., 2018. Decadal-centennial scale East Asian Summer Monsoon variability over the past millennium: an oceanic perspective. Geophysical Research Letters. 45, 7711–7718. (2018.08) Doi.org/10.1029/2018GL077978.

13) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Tamura, T., 2018. Tide- and river-generated mud pebbles from the fluvial to marine transition zone of the Mekong River delta, Vietnam. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 88, 981–990. (2018.09)

14) Osawa, M., 2018. A new species of the Polyonyx sinensis group (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Porcellanidae) from the Central Philippines. Zootaxa, 4486(3), 393–400. (2018.09)

15) Somura, H., Kunii, H., Yone, Y., Takeda, I., Sato, H., 2018. Importance of considering nutrient loadings from small watersheds to a lake – A case study of the Lake Shinji watershed, Shimane Prefecture, Japan.International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 11(5), 124–130. (2018.10)

16) Wang, Z., Saito, Y., Zhan, Q., Nian, X., Pan, D., Wang, L., Chen, T., Xie, J., Jiang, X., Zhang, W., 2018. Three-dimensional evolution of the Yangtze River mouth, China during the Holocene: impacts of sea level, climate and human activity. Earth-Science Reviews, 185, 938–955. (2018.10)

17) Cho, A., Cheong, D., Kim, J.C., Yang, D.Y., Lee, J.Y., Kashima1, K., Katsuki, K., 2018. Holocene climate and environmental changes inferred from sediment characteristics and diatom assemblages in a core from Hwajinpo lagoon, Korea. Journal of Paleolimnology, 60, 553–570. (2018.12)

18) Kim, S., Hayami, Y., Tai, A., Tada, A., 2018. The mechanism of bottom water DO variation in summer at the northern mouth of Isahaya Bay, Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 74, 595–605. (2018.12)

19) Du, S.H., Xiang, R., Yang, Z.S., Guo, Z.G., Saito, Y., Fan, D.J., 2019. Late-Holocene high-frequency East Asia Winter Monsoon variability inferred from the environmentally sensitive grain size component in the distal shelf mud area, East China Sea. The Holocene, 29, 3-16. (2019.1), doi: 10.1177/0959683618814981

20) Seto, K., Saito, M., Noguchi, T., Sonoda, T., Katsuki, K., 2019. Effects of inlet excavation and climate oscillation on the ecosystem of a fishery lagoon in northern Japan. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 25, 100458. (2019.01)

21) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., Tamura, T., 2019. Sediment distribution and depositional processes along the fluvial to marine transition zone of the Mekong River delta, Vietnam. Sedimentology, 66, 146–164. (2019.01)

22) Sugihara, K., Masuki, S., Sugahara, S., Kojima, T., 2018. Verification experiment for the improvement of an anoxic brackish lake. The proceedings of the 17th World Lake Conference, Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki, Japan, 2018, 1338–1340.

23) 倉田健悟・園田武・山口啓子・瀬戸浩二,2018.2016年夏の中海および本庄水域における底生生物相.LAGUNA (汽水域研究),24, 49–63.

24) 香月興太瀬戸浩二・園田武,2018.網走湖における珪藻群集の季節変化.LAGUNA (汽水域研究),25, 11–18. (2018.06)

25) 鴛海智佳・古林敏彦・國井秀伸,2018.島根県の河川におけるミナミアカヒレタビラの生活史と季節移動.魚類学雑誌,65(1),9–20. (2018.04)

26) 矢島啓・眞鍋幸嗣,2018.袋川感潮域における下水処理水の放流が河川水質に与える影響.土木学会論文集B1(水工学),74(4), I_379-384.

27) 増木新吾矢島啓・管原庄吾,2018.アオコ発生時のダム湖における集中観測から得られた水質の変動と栄養塩の関係.土木学会論文集B1(水工学),74(4), I_367-372 .

28) 川井田俊・大土直哉・河野裕美・渡邊良朗・佐野光彦,2018.琉球列島西表島のマングローブ林に生息するフタバカクガニParasesarma bidensの落葉摂食量.La mer, 56, 37–47.(2018.08)

29) 前之園唯史・大澤正幸,2018.琉球列島より採集された日本初記録のソバカスコブシ (新称) (十脚目: 短尾下目: コブシガニ科).Fauna Ryukyuana, 45, 19–25. (2018.09)

30) 増木新吾矢島啓・管原庄吾,2018.成層化したダム湖における降雨後のアオコ発生メカニズム.土木学会論文集B1(水工学),74(5), I_487-492. (2018.11)

31) 牧野育代・矢島啓増木新吾,2018.日射の変動に伴うダム湖の潜在的水質リスク因子の遺伝子発現変動.土木学会論文集B1(水工学),74(5), I_493-498. (2018.11)

32) 鈴木伴征・矢島啓・泉谷隆志,2018.殿ダムの異高同時取水に関する解析的研究.土木学会論文集B1(水工学),74(5), I_523-528. (2018.11)

33) 杉原幸樹・増木新吾・管原庄吾・新目竜一,2018汽水湖の底層貧酸素改善に関する現地試験.土木学会論文集G部門(環境),74 (7), III_35-41.

34) 川内陽平・南憲吏・白川北斗・宮下和士・岩原由佳・富安信・小林基樹・酒井猛・邵花梅・中川雅弘,2019屋内大型水槽を用いた自由遊泳するマアジのターゲットストレングス測定.日本水産学会誌,85, 2–16. (2019.01)


1) 菅沼悠介・田邊優貴子・香月興太・柴田大輔・川又基人,氷上からの湖底・海底堆積物掘削プロジェクトの報告(JARE-58/59).南極資料


1) 堀之内正博(2018)藻場.魚類学会編「魚類学の百科事典」丸善出版, 2018年10月