

平成31・令和元年度(2019)受理済論文 (査読付き)

1) 鮎川和泰・永淵 修・中澤 暦・篠塚賢一・横田久里子・北渕浩之・手塚賢至・手塚田津子・斎藤俊浩・田辺雅博,2018.ヤクシマカワゴロモの生息域とその一次生産が渓流水質へ与える影響.Journal of Ecotechnology Research, 19(1), 1–8. (2018.11)

2) Haraguchi, H., Murase, N., Imoto, Z., Okuda, K., 2018. Culture and field studies on the temperature related growth rates of a tropical Sargassum species, Sargassum ilicifolium (Tuner) C. Agardh in Kochi Prefecture, southwestern Japan. Algal Resources, 11, 1-10 (2018.12)
3) Kimura, H., Nakanishi, T., Katsuki, K., Hong, W., Matsuyama, H., Takemura, K., 2019. Holocene activity of the Asamigawa fault detected from sediment cores and ground penetrating radar cross-sections in Beppu area, southwestern Japan. Quaternary International, 503, 87–96. (2019.02)

4) Osawa, M., Higashiji, T., 2019. Two large squat lobsters of the superfamily Chirostyloidea (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) from the Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan, with description of a new species of the genus Eumunida Smith, 1883. Zootaxa, 4555 (3), 319–330. (2019.02)

5) Osawa, M., Fujita, Y., 2019. Submarine cave hermit crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguroidea) from three islands of the Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan. Zootaxa, 4560, 463–482. (2019.02)

6) Yamada, K., Kohara, K., Ikehara, M., Seto, K., 2019. The variations in the east Asian summer monsoon over the past 3 kyrs and the controlling factors. Scientific Reports, 9, 5036. (2019.03)

7) 早坂裕也・原口展子國井秀伸, 2019. 宍道湖汀線域における大型糸状緑藻シオグサ類の繁茂状況と周辺環境およびヤマトシジミに及ぼす影響.水産増殖, 67, 57–64. [corresponding author].(2019.03)

8) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., 2019. Matching trends in channel width, sinuosity, and depth along the fluvial to marine transition zone of tide-dominated river deltas: the need for a revision of depositional and hydraulic models. Earth-Science Reviews, 191, 93–113. (2019.04)

9) Osawa, M., Higashiji, T., 2019. First record of Propagurus haigae (McLaughlin, 1997) (Decapoda, Anomura, Paguridae) from Japan. Crustaceana, 92(4), 477–483. (2019.04) DOI:10.1163/15685403-00003874

10) Qiu, J., Liu, J., Saito, Y., Yin. P., Zhang, Y., Liu, J.Q, Zhou, L.Y., 2019. Seismic morphology and infilling architecture of incised valleys in the northwest South Yellow Sea since the last glaciation. Continental Shelf Research, 179, 52–65. (2019.05)

11) Ajima, D., Nakamura, T., Araki, T., Inoue, T., Kurisu, A., 2019. Development of a coupled human numerical model for the evaluation of tsunami drowning hazards. Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 14(1), 18-00321. (2019.05)

12) Shao, H., Minami, K., Shirakawa, H., Kawauchi, Y., Matsukura, R., Tomiyasu, M., Miyashita, K., 2019. Target strength of a common kelp species, Saccharina japonica, measured with a quantitative echosounder in an indoor sea water tank. Fisheries Research, 214, 110–116. (2019.06)

13) Kawaida, S., Nanjo, K., Ohtsuchi, N., Kohno, H., Sano, M., 2019. Cellulose digestion abilities determine the food utilization of mangrove estuarine crabs. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 222, 43–52. (2019.06)

14) Katsuki, K., Seto, K., Tsujimoto, A., Takata, H., Sonoda, T., 2019. Relationship between regional climate change and primary ecosystem characteristics in a lagoon undergoing anthropogenic eutrophication, Lake Mokoto, Japan. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 222, 205–213. (2019.06)

15) Takata, H., Khim B.K., Shin, S., Katsuki, K., Cheong, D., 2019. Early to middle Holocene development of the Tsushima Warm Current based on benthic and planktonic foraminifera in the Nakdong River delta (southeast Korea). Quaternary International, 519, 183-191. (2019.06)

16) Cho, A., Kashima, K., Seto, K., Yamada, K., Sato, T., Katsuki, K., 2019. Climate Change during the Little Ice Age from the Lake Hamana sediment record. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 223, 39–49. (2019.07)

17) Gugliotta, M., Saito, Y., Nguyen, V.L., Ta, T.K.O., 2019. Valley-confinement and river-tidal controls on channel morphology along the fluvial to marine transition zone of the Dong Nai River System Vietnam. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, 202. (2019.08)

18) Amer, M. A., Naruse, T., Osawa, M., 2019. First record of Polyonyx loimicola Sankolli, 1965 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura, Porcellanidae) from the Red Sea, Egypt. Marine Biodiversity Records, 12, 18. (2019.08)

19) Uehara, K., Saito, Y., 2019. Tidal amplitude decreases in response to estuarine shrinkage: Tokyo Bay during the Holocene. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 225, 106225. (2019.09)

20) Kanou, K., Horinouchi, M., Tongnunui, P., Kon, K., Sano, M., 2019. Morphological development and occurrence patterns of larval and juvenile halfbeaks, Zenarchopterus spp., associated with mangrove flotsam in a shallow coastal area, Trang, southern Thailand. Biogeography.21, 6–11. (2019.09)

21) Hafeez, M.A., Nakamura, Y., Inoue, T., Hosokawa, S., Matsuzaki, Y., 2019. Seasonal Variation in Intrusion Frequency of Oceanic Water from Middle and Lower Layers and Its Significance in Bottom Water Hypoxia in Ise Bay, Japan. In: International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2019). Springer, Singapore, p. 1043-1050. (2019.09)

22) Sampei, Y., Uraoka, S.-I., Ono, T., Dettman, D.L., 2019. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment cores from lakes Shinji and Nakaumi, SW Japan: A proxy of recent fire events in the watershed. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 226, 106269. (2019.10)

23) Hafeez, M. A., Nakamura, Y., Inoue, T., Hosokawa, S., Matsuzaki, Y., 2019. Quantification of Bottom Water Age by Using Temperature Based Age index Model and Its Relationship with Bottom Water Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Ise Bay, Japan. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 75(2), I_1003-I_1008. (2019.10)

24) Minami, K., Masuda, R., Takahashi, K., Sawada, H., Shirakawa, H., Yamashita, Y.: Seasonal and interannual variation in the density of visible Apostichopus japonicus (Japanese sea cucumber) in relation to sea water temperature. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 229, 106384. (2019.11)

25) Hultine, K.R., Dettman, D.L., English, N.B., Williams, D.G., 2019. Giant cacti: isotopic recorders of climate variation in warm deserts of the Americas. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70, 6509–6519. (2019.11)

26) 菅沼悠介・香月興太・金田平太郎・川又基人・田邊優貴子・柴田大輔, 2019.可搬型パーカッションピストンコアラーの開発.地質学雑誌, 125, 323–326. (2019.04)

27) 香月興太瀬戸浩二・菅沼悠介・Dong Yoon Yang,2019. 湖底堆積物調査における携帯型採泥器具の種類と特徴について.地学雑誌, 128, 359–376. (2019.06)

28) 伊藤 航・中山恵介・矢野真一郎・熊 柄・齋藤直輝・駒井克昭・矢島 啓, 2019.八代海において有明海との海水交換が成層流動場に与える影響評価.土木学会論文集 B3 (海洋開発) 75(2), I_977-I_982. (2019.10)

29) 金相曄・藤井直紀・濱田孝治:機械学習を用いた沿岸海域における赤潮予測.土木学会論文集B1(水工学),75(2), I_781-I_786. (2019.11)

30) 杉原幸樹・増木新吾・管原庄吾・村山雅昭, 2019. 酸素溶解装置の結氷期を含む連続運用による汽水湖の貧酸素改善の検証.土木学会論文集G(環境)、75(7), Ⅲ_299-Ⅲ_307.(2019.12)

31) 香月興太・三瓶良和・瀬戸浩二, 2019. 中海浚渫窪地に堆積する年縞堆積物が示す浚渫後の水環境変化.LAGUNA(汽水域研究), 26, 73-83 (2019.12)

32) 三瓶良和・香月興太・河野大樹, 2019. 中海南東部の窪地と中海中央部におけるセディメントトラップ堆積物の堆積量と起源.LAGUNA(汽水域研究), 26, 59-72 (2019.12)

33) Takata, H., Irizuki, T., Seto, K., Nomura, R., 2019. Response of benthic foraminifera (Rhizaria) to anthropogenic environmental changes in the Honjo area of Lake Nakaumi (southwestern Japan): dispersal potential of neritic benthic foraminifera. LAGUNA(汽水域研究), 26, 27-38. (2019.12)

34) 石賀裕明・瀬戸浩二, 2019.宍道湖の2016年採取底質の地球化学分析からみた堆積環境の変化.LAGUNA(汽水域研究), 26,39-48. (2019.12)

35) 石賀裕明・瀬戸浩二, 2019.宍道湖・中海のSS(浮遊物質)の地球化学分析からみた湖水環境の変化.LAGUNA(汽水域研究), 26, 49-58. (2019.12)

特集号巻頭言ほか(Preface and others)

Yi, S., Xiao, J., Saito, Y., 2019. The Third ASQUA Conference: Quaternary Environments and Ancient Civilizations in East Asia. Quaternary International, 503, 1–2. (2019.02)

Saito, Y., 2019. INQUA International Union for Quaternary Research, official compte rendu of the XIX INQUA congress, Nagoya, Japan, 26 July to 2 August 2015. Quaternary International, 513, 141¬–148. (2019.04)

Yi, S., Saito, Y., Xiao, J., 2019. The Third ASQUA Conference (Part II): Quaternary Environments and Ancient Civilizations in East Asia. Quaternary International, 519, 1–2.  (2019.06)

齋藤文紀・三瓶良和・瀬戸浩二香月興太, 2019.中海・宍道湖の浮遊物質、堆積物と環境変化. LAGUNA, 26, 1 (2019.12)


1) 香月興太.南極露岩域における海底・湖沼堆積物調査-第58‐59時南極観測隊湖沼調査チーム-.島根県地学会会誌, 34, 5-8. (2019.03)

2) 渡辺正巳.花粉分析結果から見た島根県下の耕作史.-前近代島根県域における環境と人間-,島根県古代文化センター研究論集,23, 173-184. (2020.03)

3) 林 広樹・宮田裕輔・瀬戸浩二.太田市仁摩町琴ヶ浜の海浜砂に含まれる有孔虫群集.島根大学地球科学研究報告,37, 21-32. (2020.03)


1) Tamura, T., Saito, Y., 2019. Beach Stratigraphy. In: Finkl, C.W. and Makowski, C., eds., Earth Sciences Series. Encyclopedia of Coastal Science, 2nd Edition, Springer. (Online 2018.08)(2019.07)

2) 香月興太瀬戸浩二・高田裕行・辻本彰・園田 武, 2020.藻琴湖(北海道)年縞堆積物にみる環境史.(ふじのくに地球環境史ミュージアム・富士山世界遺産センター編著)「環境考古学と富士山」,第4号, 66–75, 雄山閣(2020.03)

3) 瀬戸浩二香月興太・北川淳子・園田武・山田和芳・川尻敏文,2020.北海道網走湖における年縞堆積物の特徴と近年の環境変化.(ふじのくに地球環境史ミュージアム・富士山世界遺産センター編著)「環境考古学と富士山」,第4号, 53-65, 雄山閣(2020.03)

4) 北川淳子瀬戸浩二篠塚良嗣小島秀彰山田和芳吉田丈人, 2020.福井県三方五湖の堆積物に記録される洪水と花粉分析から推測される植生への影響.(ふじのくに地球環境史ミュージアム・富士山世界遺産センター編著)「環境考古学と富士山」,第4号, 11-19.雄山閣(2020.03)

5) 管原庄吾・清家 泰,2020,ヤマトシジミに対する貧酸素および硫化水素の影響.山室真澄編「豊かな内水面水産資源の復活のためにー宍道湖からの提言」,83-91,生物研究社.(2020.02)

6) 矢島 啓,2020,ヤマトシジミの移動に関する流動実験および浅場整備と水草が流動に及ぼす影響.山室真澄編「豊かな内水面水産資源の復活のためにー宍道湖からの提言」,99-106,生物研究社.(2020.02)